Whitstable Umbrella Centre


Who We Are

The Whitstable Umbrella Community Centre is a charity managed by a group of Trustees who work together to ensure the charity is fulfilling its charitable aims and is financially secure.

For the last 30 years, our home has been The Umbrella Centre (formerly St Mary’s Parish Hall), a community asset in the heart of Whitstable, which is leased from the council. Whilst receiving some support from the council by way of a rent concession we are largely self-funded, from hire of rooms, with occasional grant support.

The day to day running of the centre is the responsibility of one full-time and one part-time member of staff.



What We Do... “so much more than a venue”

Our accessible main hall and smaller rooms can be hired for one-off events or on a regular basis for clubs and groups. From antique fairs to yoga classes, live music events and even wrestling, we like to think we cater for everyone.

In addition to our commercial lettings, we are continually trying to nurture and support local charitable activities by providing our spaces for free or at a discounted rate.  We like to think of ourselves as not just a venue but a social hub where you can learn new skills, keep fit, access support and make new friends.

If you have any groups, projects or ideas please get in touch and we may be able to help.

Supporters and donators period 2023 - 24

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