Midlife Movers
Midlife Movers
Midlife Movers Over 40's fun dance/disco class Wednesdays 4-5pm £3.50 - no need to book @midlifemovers
Midlife Movers Over 40's fun dance/disco class Wednesdays 4-5pm £3.50 - no need to book @midlifemovers
Midlife Movers Over 40's fun dance/disco class Wednesdays 4-5pm £3.50 - no need to book @midlifemovers
Flamenco Dance Classes - Be prepared to stamp your feet, lift arms high, twirl hands expressively, clap with gusto + move your body with passion, to fabulous music. Ideally, wear shoes/boots with a firm heel. Contact Charlotte: [email protected] T: 07906 685109
Midlife Movers Over 40's fun dance/disco class Wednesdays 4-5pm £3.50 - no need to book @midlifemovers
Flamenco Dance Classes - Be prepared to stamp your feet, lift arms high, twirl hands expressively, clap with gusto + move your body with passion, to fabulous music. Ideally, wear shoes/boots with a firm heel. Contact Charlotte: [email protected] T: 07906 685109
Midlife Movers Over 40's fun dance/disco class Wednesdays 4-5pm £3.50 - no need to book @midlifemovers
Flamenco Dance Classes - Be prepared to stamp your feet, lift arms high, twirl hands expressively, clap with gusto + move your body with passion, to fabulous music. Ideally, wear shoes/boots with a firm heel. Contact Charlotte: [email protected] T: 07906 685109
Midlife Movers Over 40's fun dance/disco class Wednesdays 4-5pm £3.50 - no need to book @midlifemovers
Flamenco Dance Classes - Be prepared to stamp your feet, lift arms high, twirl hands expressively, clap with gusto + move your body with passion, to fabulous music. Ideally, wear shoes/boots with a firm heel. Contact Charlotte: [email protected] T: 07906 685109